During 2017 ACCOS Principals, leaders and school members reviewed the progress of ACCOS and our next steps. During the process we established a new direction that was more collaborative and met specific needs at a local school level.
initiatives were established (see below) with the Across School Leaders, taking
overall responsibility to facilitate their development. They are
supported by a Principal or DP who acts as a champion. These six initiatives have now become our
local criteria. The overarching goals
for each of them are included for your reference as they drive the work of
Writing – Goals:
- Shifting teacher practice
- Professional learning groups (support with planning and building leadership capacity of ISL)
- Professional development (research and good practice)
- Networking (teachers and students)
- Data collection
- Observations, feedback and critical discussions
with the Learner
(Epsom Girls Grammar School only) - Goals:
- Promote data
- Enable student-centred learning
- Improve student learning and achievement and to support Learning at EGGS (based on the Principles, Vision and Values of the NZC)
- Provide future focused learning – as EGGs enters its second century we aim to be current with students’ needs including project inquiry based learning, and to be responsive to change pedagogy
- Support transition – into, through and beyond secondary level
- Develop knowledge and practice around learner agency – each PLG has been considering agency as integral to their inquiries
Mathematics – Goals:
- Active learning – teachers working together across schools
- ISL-led initiatives – teaching strategies that have the greatest effect
- Student-led initiatives – leading to improved outcomes
- Focus on teaching practice that support Māori students in mathematics
- Focus on ELL students languages and cultures
- Greater awareness about Achievement Challenge 5 Parent Engagement & Participation
Mathematics 2 2019
Teacher Agency – Goals:
- Promote profile of Teacher Agency
- Promote collaboration
- Promote reflective practice
- Promote professional learning
- Promote wellbeing and resilience
- Promote data
Learner Agency – Goals:
- Develop a shared understanding of learner agency
- Create connections across the initiative schools
- Facilitate change to teachers’ practice within initiative in order to increase learner agency
- Increased learner agency will result in raised student achievement
Oral Language – Goals:
- Build oral language competence through:
- modelling and explicit teaching of speaking and listening skills
- explicit vocabulary teaching
- integration with reading activities
- integration with writing activities
- integration with activities across the curriculum
- the use of technology/ digital devices
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